Be Involved!

The most important hour of your week may be the one you give away. Our students spend hundreds of hours perfecting their show. As parents and family we can all support their efforts by volunteering in some of the over 1000+ volunteer spots needing to be filled each year. You will never regret the time spent with your child and you will find you may make friends yourself! 

Some volunteer positions are short-term single shift commitments of just an hour, others last throughout the school year. There are many committees and coordinator roles in which you can be involved. As our parent-pool changes every year, we are constantly needing new parents to step in to fill the shoes of those who have graduated out. Freshman and new parents are encouraged to volunteer in a variety of positions to see where your talents and interests can be best used and the roles you most enjoy volunteering for. Without you, these programs and our students cannot be successful.

There are many different areas where volunteers are always needed to run these award-winning programs!

Please contact Alan Sobel, EBSO Vice President, for additional information on any specific role and to find out how best jump in!

Current Volunteers Spots Signups

Attend the monthly EBSO Parent Meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15pm in the GBHS band room to learn more about upcoming specific volunteers needed!

Coordinators Needed Throughout the Year

Highlighted are those still needed for this 2024-2025 school year.

Bandtastic Coordinator

People:  1 person

Timeline: January-early February

Description: Partner with the food committee, the Band Director, the Olympus & Cavitt Band Directors, and EBSO Board to coordinate the event, including the food needed and placing their orders (food committee will take care of this, but you need to get them the information), and all volunteers needed. Supervise all-day and fill in any holes where you are short volunteers. 

Brigade Swag Store Coordinator

People:  1 person

Timeline: Full school year, heaviest July-October

Description: Work with the EBSO Board to setup the online store, distribute the orders and manage the existing inventory. The work is heaviest at the beginning of the school year when the swag store is setup and that year's orders need to be distributed. However, there are other times throughout the year where a table to sell swag will need to be setup (Show Reveal, Concerts, etc.). 

Concerts Coordinator

People Needed: 1 Person

Timeline: Full school year (Work is really just in December & May)

Description: Work with the EBSO Board to coordinate the Winter & Spring concerts. There will be goodies to be sold, usually there is also some merch, and coordinate all volunteers. You will need to be available for both days of both concerts to be able to setup, make sure your volunteers know what to do, and tear down. 

Corporate Sponsorships

People Needed: 1 Person minimum to a small team

Timeline: Full school year

Description: Work with the EBSO Board to put together the plan for corporate sponsorships for the year. You will then go out and target businesses that have sponsored or donated to the Brigade in the past, and find new sponsors. This is a relationship based role so you will need to be prepared to build a relationship with the businesses and then be able to sell them on how they can sponsor the Brigade.

Dine-Outs Coordinator

People:  1 person

Timeline: Full school year

Description: Partner with businesses locally to coordinate monthly dine-out fundraisers. The previous coordinator has many contacts and lots of information for you to use.  This role is easily done in your spare time from home.

Football Game Coordinator

People Needed: 1 Person

Timeline: August-November (work really only on game days)

Description: Coordinate the volunteers for all of the home football games (5 from August - November, there may be a couple more if GBHS makes the playoffs). Make sure all of the volunteers know what they are expected to do, and fill any volunteer holes as needed. There are crew name tags in the Band Directors office you will need to get and pass out for those volunteers that will need them (Media, Gate Crew, etc.).

Honor Band Coordinator

People Needed: 1 Person

Timeline: September - December

Description: Work with the EBSO Board and the Band Director to coordinate the students and their Honor Band submissions. You will need to gather together all of the information for the 3 different honor bands and ensure it is all communicated to all parents. 

A full role description and an  outline  of what needs to be done is available!

New Family / Mentor Coordinator

People Needed: 1 person

Timeline: Full school year - heviest in the fall at the beginning of the school year.

Description: Be the main point of contact for all of the new member families and help them get integrated into the Brigade. Coordinate the mentor program and ensure all of the mentors are following through. 

Senior Celebrations Coordinator

People Needed: 1 Person (can be more if desired)

Timeline: Full school year

Description: Coordinate with the EBSO Board and the senior families all of the special celebrations throughout the school year (Senior Night Football game, the Senior Dinner at one of the marching competitions, and the year culminates with the senior slideshow at the Awards Celebration). 

Show Reveal Coordinator

People:  1 person

Timeline: April-May

Description: Work with the EBSO Board and the Band Director to plan the show reveal party on Memorial Day Monday. Ensure all of the volunteers know what they are doing, and work with the food committee to take care of any food needed. Brigade merch is sold, and several other committees are also included. The Jr. High students and their parents are invited to attend to get an exciting head start on their freshmen year in band.

Awards Celebration Coordinator

People Needed: 1 Person

Timeline: March-May (March/April only to ensure any orders that need to be placed are taken care of timely.)

Description: Work with the EBSO Board and the Band Director to plan the awards party. Ensure all of the volunteers know what they are doing, and work with the food committee to take care of any food needed. 

Spring Trip Coordinator

People:  1 person

Timeline: Full school year (heaviest Nov-Trip date)

Description: Partner with the EBSO Board and the Band Director to take care of the logistics of the year's big trip in the Spring. Ensure all of the payments made by the participating families are on time, the payments to all vendors are on time, all other logisitcs are taken care of (flights, buses, hotels, any places that will require tickets for entry, etc.), that all information is communicated out timely through the Communications Officer, and plan the pre-trip info meeting. 

Committees & Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs Needed

All are still needed or could use more volunteers for this 2024-2025 school year.

Food Committee - Minimum 12 People

People Needed: Needs a chair and co-chair to lead the committee. Committee needs a minimum of 10 additional people to run smoothly.  Not every committee member needs to be available for every event throughout the year, and it is possible to ask for additional volunteers not on the committee to help when needed. 

Timeline: Full school year, however work is heaviest during the fall marching season and tapers off significantly through the spring semester where you mostly work with other committees to coordinate and take care of the food needs for other events (Bandtastic, Student food at Crab Feed, Awards & Reveal, etc.)

Description: This is a great opportunity to see your student behind the scenes and be a part of one of the committee the students most appreciate (who doesn't love someone serving you food when you are hungry?)! Chair will work within the the given budget to plan all meals, shop for groceries, and distribute ingredients to the committee members cooking. Setup, serve, & clean-up all meals served at band camp, all shows, and all other events where the students will be provided meals throughout the year such as Bandtastic, Show Reveal, etc. Chair & co-chair will report directly to the EBSO Board.

Football Crew - Minimum 7 People

People Needed: Needs a Crew Lead and a minimum of 6 others

Timeline: August-November (only on home football game evenings, lead shift starts at 4pm-ish for each game, and ends about a half hour after the game ends, other shifts depend on exactly what job you are doing).

Description: Setup & clean-up the Brigade bleachers and equipment needed for each game. Block the entry gates as the Brigade needs to enter the field. Each game will also need people from the Uniform committee (before & after the game) and the Brigade Media crew (during warm-ups and then throughout the game). 

Fundraisers & Events Committee - Minimum 6 People

People Needed: Committee needs a minimum of 6 people to run smoothly.  Not every committee member needs to be available for every fundraiser / fundraising event throughout the year.

Timeline: Full school year

Description: The other major source of funding for EBSO besides the annual family pledges is fundraising. EBSO holds 2 major fundraisers which will both require the full committee's help - the Bandcake Breakfast in the fall and the Crab Feed in the spring. The other fall fundraisers are: Dirtbuster's car wash tickets, See's candy, Butterbraids, mandarin oranges, olive oil, and pies from Apple Hill, and each one will require it's own lead. In the spring, we will again hold Dirtbuster's car wash tickets. For the month of February there is a Valentine's flocking fundraiser which the students help with, but will require a Lead to coordinate with the students and manage. All of the leads and specific event committees are part of and will be sourced from from the overall fundraising committee. 

We would love to hear your ideas for other fundraisers! With enough people, many other fundraisers could be held! 

Media Crew - Minimum 2 People

People Needed: Minimum of 2 people (one photographer and one videographer), more is always better!

Timeline: Full School Year

Description: Catch candid shots of the students at the football games and competitions. Video the performances / competitions. Multiple photographers are needed on uniform day as it is also picture day!

Props Committee - Minimum Varies by Show Design

People Needed: Committee needs a chair, the committee size varies each year depending on the design of the marching show. 

Timeline: Late July - November (Champs)

Description: This is a fun “hands-on” role helping to create and maintain the props for the marching season. 

Uniform Committee - 6 People

People Needed: Needs a chair and can use a co-chair to lead the committee. Committee needs a minimum of 5 additional people to run smoothly.  Not every committee member needs to be available for every event throughout the year, and it is possible to ask for additional volunteers not on the committee to help as needed. 

Timeline: Full school year

Description: Help the students make sure they’re always looking fantastic in their uniforms! This committee will work through the full school year. In the fall the uniforms used will be the uniforms worn for marching and football games. In the Spring it will be the concert band tuxedos. You will measure & fit the students and then distribute their uniforms. At shows help is needed to make sure the students have their uniforms on and are looking great (hair tucked into shakos, shoes shined, etc.) and help with any uniform emergencies (missing items, areas needing to be safety pinned, and any other day-of emergencies.)

Roles which require clearance with the School District

More are still needed for this 2024-2025 school year!

Please fill out the Interest Form to get the process started to be cleared ASAP! 

Chaperone - minimum 6 people

People Needed: Committee needs a minimum of 6 people.  Not every committee member needs to be available for every event throughout the year.

Timeline: Full school year

Description: Our band students are great kids, but they still need supervision. Help chaperone them! Depending on the program and show/competition location, you may be asked to ride the bus with, or drive the students in your vehicle or one of the school's vans. The clearance process can take several weeks, so please get yourself cleared ASAP!

Tow a Trailer - minimum 4 people

People Needed: Committee needs a minimum of 4 people, ideally 6 so not everyone needs to be available for each event/performance throughout the year.

Timeline: Full school year

Description: We need drivers who can help tow our heavy trailers. The clearance process can take several weeks, so please get yourself cleared ASAP!