Pledge & Pay

2025 Winter Programs Payment

2024-2025 Pledge

To pay by check: mail check to EBSO P.O.Box 2364, Granite Bay, CA 95746; or turn it in to the EBSO box in the band room. Be sure to write your child's name and "pledge" on the notes line.

To pay via PayPal: use the EBSO PayPal charity linked below at the PayPal icon, and select "Other" to write-in your amount. Please be sure to check the box to share your name and email address, otherwise it comes to EBSO anonymously and we will not be able to associate the received pledge to you/your student.

To pay via a Credit Card or Payment Plan: Please watch for an email from Ways & Means ( with the payment plan or credit card option you selected when filling out the pledge form.

Brigade Expenses

Brigade Income Sources